Monday, May 4, 2009

Great pirate video and slideshow

A great 50-pic slideshow below that with an array of images related to the pirate attacks in Somalia recently - helicopters hovering over boats, arrested and distraught pirates, soldiers in fatigues and masks. Best I've seen so far.

Sky news also has some dramatic footage of the French capturing Somali pirates (notice how they put the pirates in red life preservers first before shoving them onto the French attack boat).

Sea bandits captured on film. (scroll to the bottom to see the photos).


MeatAxe said...

Those French sailors and marines look badass. I think the solution to the whole pirate problem is to have all shippers who wish to move cargo through pirate-infested waters need to ship it on French warships.

Barr Seitz said...

It's been incredible how many comments I've seen joking that the pirates didn't know their history well when they surrendered to the French. Usually it's the other way around. Perhaps a new get-tough PR from the French?

HB said...

Aw, frigate!