Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Somalia pirates - global crime syndicate?

Move over Nigeria; here come the Somali pirates.

The recent coverage that Somali pirates have moles in London's insurance and shipbroking industries has created waves. Part of the reason is that many observers look on the pirates as rank amateurs incapable of this sophistication (throw in a dollop of racism to boot).

For the basis of an international crime ring, Somali is pretty well placed actually. With a significant Somali diaspora living in various places around the globe, the pirates are in a position to gather some useful intelligence on the shipping that runs past their coast.

The latest wrinkle in the pirate story comes thanks to a European military intelligence report leaked to Spain's Cadena SER radio station yesterday.

The report indicated that the hijacking of at least three vessels, including the Karagöl, the Greek cargo ship Titan and Spanish tuna trawler Felipe Ruano, followed tipoffs from the London-based network of informers. The informers are quaintly called "consultants" in the report.

I wonder if they ship powerpoint decks filled with gantt charts, waterfall charts, pie charts topped with succinct messages in bullet point? Powerpoint pirates unite!

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